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If you choose local pick up, please pick up your purchase or redeem your event ticket at our address:
1344 University Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
eGift cards will be sent to your recipient on the date specified.
We promise to deliver only the best buzz.
1344 University Avenue, Rochester, New York 14607 – New Window
Open: Thursday 4pm-9pm • Friday 4pm-9pm • Saturday 11am-9pm • Sunday 11am-5pm
18 Available
Join us in celebrating all things Rye with a special screening of Fire, Water & Grain: The Story of Empire Rye while sipping on a Rye Old Fashioned and nibbling on Rye Ravioli!
Black Button Distilling and Fee Brothers Bitters proudly present our first ever collaboration: Citrus Forward Gin Barrel-Aged Citrus Bitters.